Is there life after college? More life tips/tricks for grads…

Welcome to Part 3 of “Is there life after college?”  More tips for grads.  The first list is here and the second is here.  There is another talk unlocked on the website and it’s one of my favorites.  Bob Mitchell’s farewell address at the 1990 Young Life All Staff Conference.  Check it out HERE.  Onward.

  1. Have a personal growth plan of how you are going to grow this next year. If you don’t, you won’t grow nearly as much as you could. If you aim at nothing you’ll hit it every time.
    1. Have written goals for all aspects of life.
    2. Who do you want to be? Look around and get around the people you want to be like.  And ask them lots of questions.
  1. Smile and say Hi first. Be the first to reach a hand across a divide.
  1. If you go over someone’s house for dinner or drinks, take something. Wine, flowers, dessert, chocolate, something for their kids, etc.
  1. Develop the habit of getting up early (I’m still working on this one). How many influential people do you know who stayed up really late and slept in really late?
  1. Reflect more. Meditate and think more. Howard Hendricks said of every hour reading, 40 min. would be reading and 20 min. would be reflecting.
  2. Start a “Rainy day file.” This is a page/file/folder of encouraging things.  These can be notes, memories, emails, etc.  You can go here when you’re feeling worthless or down or useless.
    1. Related to this is starting a list/memo/folder of “Someday Maybe.” It’s the place where you dream.  Where you can think about the things that you want to do.
    2. Also related is your page with stories, illustration, quotations, etc.
  1. Do one extraordinary thing everyday. It adds up.  Something where you go the extra mile.  You can’t always do great things but you can do small things with great love.  Be genuinely interested in other people.  (this is the key to being “interesting” to other people—if you are “interested” in them)


What advice or counsel would you suggest to a graduating senior?

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